Auxiliary verbs - 助动词

Auxiliary verbs - 助动词

助动词 have be 主要用于构成各种时态。

例如: I have already eaten.
  She is reading a book.

现在完成时过去完成时等都需用到助动词 have。

助动词 do 主要用于构成一般疑问句。

例如: Do you like coffee?

在特殊疑问句中,如果没有动词 be,则需要用助动词 do 构成疑问。

例如: What do you think?

do 也可以用于强调某种说法。

例如: I do like walking in the woods


The present of 'have' - have 的现在时形式

I have
you have
he has
we have 我们
you have
they have 他们

动词 have 在 he, she, it 后面的形式相同。
' 你 ' 和尊称 ' 您 ' 在英语中都是 you。

Negation - 否定

动词用 not 进行否定。
not 应加在变位动词之后。变位动词是指其形态随主语变化的动词。

Short forms - 缩写形式

人称代词名词后面的动词 be 可以缩写。

is not 简写为 isn't,are not 简写为 aren't,但 am not 不能缩写。

例如: She isn't Chinese.

当然也可以使用动词的缩写形式,再加 not。

例如: She's not Chinese.
  I'm not Chinese.

The verb 'do' - 动词 do

肯定句中的主要动词不是 be 动词时,使用动词 do 作为助动词构成一般疑问句。

助动词 do 有两种形式:当主语是单数第三人称时,助动词为 does,当主语为其它人称时,助动词为 do。

The auxiliary 'do' - 助动词 do

如果特殊疑问中的主要动词不是 be 动词,则需要使用助动词 do 来构成疑问。

例如: What do you think?

唯一的例外是当疑问代词 who 和 what 在疑问句中做主语时,不使用助动词 do。

例如: Who lives here?
  What makes you happy?

在特殊疑问句中,如果句中的动词不是 be,则需要用助动词 do 来构成疑问。唯一的例外是,以 who 或 what 开始的疑问句,在疑问代词作主语时,不需要使用 do。

例如: Who lives here?


The present of basic verbs - 基本动词的一般现在时态

    be have do
I (我) am have do
you (你/您) are have do
he / she / it (他/她/它) is has does
we (我们) are have do
you (你们) are have do
they (他们) are have do

Questions - 疑问句

疑问句需要用到助动词 do,be 动词或其它助动词或情态动词。对第三人称单数的提问需在 do 后加 es

例如: Do you want coffee?
  Does she like tea?
但是: Are you hungry?
  Is he working?
  Can you come here?

The present of 'be' - be 动词的现在时态

在英语中,在不同的人称代词后,be 动词有不同的形式:


I am
you are 你,您
he is
we are 我们
you are 你们
they are 他/她/它们

he,she 和 it 的 be 动词形式相同。
在英语中,你、你们和您使用相同的人称代词和 be 动词。

The short form of 'be' - be 动词的缩写形式

I'm we're
you're you're
he's, she's, it's they're


I am have do
you are have do
he is has does
we are have do
you are have do
they are have do

The present of 'be' - be 动词的现在时态

在英语中,在不同的人称代词后,be 动词有不同的形式:

I am
you are 你,您
he is
we are 我们
you are 你们
they are 他/她/它们

he,she 和 it 的 be 动词形式相同。

在英语中,你、你们和您使用相同的人称代词和 be 动词。

The simple past of the verb 'do' - 助动词 do 的过去式

过去时中助动词 do 对于所有人称都只有一种形式。

过去时的否定式也是对助动词 do 进行变化,主动词保持不定式不变。


The verb 'do' - 动词 do

肯定句中的主要动词不是 be 动词时,使用动词 do 作为助动词构成一般疑问句。

助动词 do 有两种形式:当主语是单数第三人称时,助动词为 does,当主语为其它人称时,助动词为 do。


Questions with 'be' - 用 be 动词提问

用 be 动词构成疑问句,只需要把 be 动词提前,放在主语的前面。


Are you? (你是……吗?)
Is he? (他是……吗?)
Are we? (我们是……吗?)
Are they? (他们是……吗?)

对 be 动词进行否定,只需要在 be 动词后直接加 not。


I am not (我不是)

Short forms - 缩写形式

在英语中,人们经常使用 be 的缩写形式。不仅在口语中,在书面语中也是如此。


I'm Mark. (我是马克。)
My name's Ellen. (我的名字叫艾伦。)


缩写形式 完整形式
I'm I am
you're you are
it's it is


There is/are - 有

在英语中,表达某处存在或有某物,经常使用 there is(单数)和 there are(复数)句式。

There's a garage.

Is there a garden?


'Have got' or 'have? - have got 还是 have?

have 和 have got 表示占有关系。
I've got a big house.
I have a new dog.

have got 属于英式英语;而 have 属于美式英语。

have 的一般现在时态的提问方式使用一般现在时态的提问规则。
Do you have a dog?

而 have got 的一般现在时态的提问方式则不使用一般现在时态的提问规则。
Have you got a car?


'Make' and 'do' - make 和 do

make 和 do 都有 ' 做 ' 的意思。具体而言,make 倾向于指制造、制作。

例如: OK, I'll make the coffee.

do 则表示做某件事,指从事某种行为,可与 something, nothing, everything, what 等词连用。

例如: Do something!
  What will you do?

此外,还有很多与 do 和 make 相关的习语,这些表达方式必须单独记忆。

例如: do your best (尽力)
  do the cooking (做饭)
  make a profit (赚钱)
  make an offer (提供……)
  make a suggestion (提出建议)
  make a mistake (犯错误)


'Have got' or 'have? - have got 还是 have?

have 和 have got 表示占有关系。
I've got a big house.
I have a new dog.

have got 属于英式英语;而 have 属于美式英语。

have 的一般现在时态的提问方式使用一般现在时态的提问规则。
Do you have a dog?

而 have got 的一般现在时态的提问方式则不使用一般现在时态的提问规则。
Have you got a car?


Subject/verb agreement - 主谓一致



例如: The group of people is angry.

有些主语事实上是复数,但谓语动词仍用单数形式。这些词有:the Netherlands, mathematics, news 等等。

例如: The United States is a big country.


Modal verbs


could 能,可以
will 将,会
would 将,愿意
would like 想要
should 应该
ought to 应该

情态动词不进行变位。在第三人称单数条件下,也不必加 s。情态动词后加动词不定式

例如: I can't see you.
  Would you like a drink?

情态动词 must 意为必须,其否定形式 must not 可缩写为 mustn't,意为不允许。

例如: You must have a visa before you go to North Korea.
  You mustn't press that button.

对于 must 的过去及将来时态,可以用 must 的代替形式 have to 来表达。

例如: We had to show our passports at the border.


Negation of modal verbs - 情态动词的否定式

情态动词动词 be 一样,用 not 来否定。


情态动词的否定式也可以用缩写形式来表示,如:mustn't, couldn't, won't, can't。


Modal verbs - 情态动词

情态动词在句子中没有人称和数的变化。即使是单数第三人称作主语,也不需要在词尾加 s

I, you, he/she/it, we, you, they:
can, could, ought to, should, will, may, might, must, shall, would


Modals 'can' and 'may' - 情态动词 can 和 may

情态动词 can 表示许可,能力和可能性。

例如: Can I open the window?
  Can you swim?
  I hope he can come tonight.

may 也可以表示许可。

例如: May I close the door?

'Could', 'would' and 'would like' - could, would 和 would like

含有 could 的问句用更礼貌的语气表述了“这个……可能吗”的意思。
含有 would 的问句大多数表示的是请求和愿望。
Could I have another cup of tea, please?
Would you like a glass of water?

英语中 would like 表示礼貌的请求和意愿。
I would like a cup of tea.


'Can' and 'could' - can 和 could

Can you ...? 句式,用于表达某种请求。
Can you open the window, please?
Can you wait a moment, please?

为了使这种表达方式听起来更有礼貌,可以使用 Could you ...? 句式。
Could you open the window, please.
Could you wait a moment, please?


The modal verbs 'could', 'should', 'would' - 情态动词 could, should, would

could, should 和 would 是情态动词,也就是说,它们必须与另外一个实意动词共同使用。与情态动词连用的动词不定式不需要加 to。
could 的用法很多。它是 can 的过去式,通常用于表达某种假设或某种可能性。

例如: He could swim when he was eight.
  Could you open the door, please?
  We could go to the cinema.

should 倾向于表达某种要求,在向他人寻求建议时,经常被使用。

例如: You should be polite.
  Where should we go?

would 用于礼貌的提问。

例如: What would you suggest?


Modal verbs in the past - 情态动词的过去时态

情态动词本身不能单独构成过去时态;但是可以通过结构:' 情态动词 + have + 动词的过去分词 ' 构成。

I should have done it yesterday.

must 在这种情况下仅仅表示一种推测。

That must have been terrible!


'Must' as supposition - 表示推测的情态动词 must

当 must 表示推测时,意为必须,应当。

That must be nice.
That must have been nice.


Modals 'can' and 'must' - 情态动词 can 和 must

情态动词 can 表示许可,能力和可能性。

例如: Can I open the window?
  Can you swim?
  I hope he can come tonight.

情态动词 must 表示义务或者强迫做某事。

例如: You must come tomorrow.


Modals 'have to' and 'be able to' - 情态动词 have to 和 be able to

情态动词 have to 和 must 一样表示义务或强迫做某事,have to 强调客观原因;must 强调主观因素。
I have to go now.

情态动词 be able to 表示能力和可能性。
The baby isn't able to walk yet.
I wasn't able to reach her.


The verb 'can' - 动词 can

与其它情态动词相同,can 之后直接加动词原形。而且 can 的第三人称单数形式也不需要加 s

can 表示某种能力或可能性。
He can take the next train.
They can buy a ticket at the door.


The modal verb 'should' - 情态动词'should'

表达过去时,可以使用'should have'加过去分词的结构:


例如: Ben should have stayed at home.

'ought to have'加过去分词,也表达同样的意思:

例如: Ben ought to have stayed at home.

情态动词'should'和'ought to'可以用于表达可能性:

例如: It should be no problem.
  It ought to be no problem.


Tip! - 建议

在口语中提出建议时,经常使用 had better 加原形动词的结构。它的含义与 should 相同。


Modal verbs - 情态动词

情态动词 must, have to 和 need to 与动词原形连用,可以表达某种必要性。

例如: You must / have to / need to write your resume.

如果说话人主观上认为,某件事是非做不可的,则需要使用 must:

例如: I must write my resume.

如果说话人并非出于主观意愿去做某件事,而仅仅因为这件事是非做不可的(比如是别人要求自己这么做的),则需要使用 have to:

例如: I have to write my resume, otherwise my mom will be mad at me.
  (我不得不写简历了,不然我妈妈 肯定要气疯了。)


Verb conjugation

动词 have
动词 be
动词 do
动词 arise, rise, raise
以 y 结尾的动词

The present tense - 现在时态

动词的现在时态有两种形式:主语是第三人称单数(he, she, it)时,在动词原形的后面加上 s 就行了;其它人称作主语时,动词形式不变。

上述规则对情态动词(can, will, must, may 和 shall)不适用。这些情态动词在现在时中只有一种形式,即它们的原形。

Irregular verbs - 不规则动词

某些动词过去式的构成,不加词尾 ed, 而是有其特殊的形式。

Regular verbs - 规则动词


在构成过去式与过去分词时,只需要在动词原形后加 ed,并注意在加 ed 时的一些特殊规则。

现在完成时态由 ' have/has + 动词的过去分词 ' 共同构成。

例如: He has played the piano.

Irregular verbs I - 不规则动词 I


Irregular verbs II - 不规则动词 II


The simple present - 一般现在时

一般现在时第三人称单数在需要动词不定式后加 s,其它人称动词不变。


  I work cry
  you work cry
  he works cries
  we work cry
  you work cry
  they work cry

y 结尾的动词,构成第三人称单数时需要将 y 改为 i ,再加 es


The simple present - 一般现在时

以 o 结尾的动词,在一般现在时中构成第三人称单数时加 es


例如: The children go to school every day.
  This building is big.

The simple past - 一般过去时


build built built pay paid paid
buy bought bought read read read
catch caught caught say said said
drive drove driven send sent sent
fall fell fallen speak spoke spoken
feel felt felt spend spent spent
find found found take took taken
get got got/gotten tell told told
go went gone think thought thought
make made made write wrote written

The simple past - 一般过去时


blow blew blown
fly flew flown
grow grew grown
know knew known
mow mowed mown
sew sewed sewn
sow sowed sown
show showed shown
throw threw thrown


The present perfect - 现在完成时

现在完成时由 ' have 的一般现在时 + 动词的过去分词(如 gone, done, seen, talked, worked 等)' 构成。在动作已经发生,但是时间点不重要(只是说明动作是否发生)时,使用该时态(经常与 ever, never, yet, still, always, already 连用)。

例如: I have never been to Peru. (我还没有去过佩鲁。)
  I've already done it. (我已经做完了。)
  She hasn't arrived yet. (她还没有来。)


Negating the present perfect - 现在完成时的否定式

否定现在完成时的句子,只需要在 have/has 和过去分词之间加 not。
I have not seen him.
He has not been here.

缩写形式 haven'thasn't 通常只在口语中使用。


The present tense - 现在时态

动词的现在时态有两种形式:第三人称单数(he, she, it)作主语时,需要在动词原形后面加上 s;其它人称作主语时,动词形式不变。


Irregular verbs II - 不规则动词 II

对于这些动词而言,过去式与过去分词的构成没有任何规律可循,必须单独记忆。is,write,become,come,do,get,see,take -> was, wrote,became,came,did,got,saw,took


The simple past - 一般过去时

规则动词的过去式可在动词词尾加 ed 构成(例如 worked, played, tried, stopped 等等)。

以 ' 辅音字母 + y ' 结尾的动词构成过去式时需改 y i ed


break broke broken
bring brought brought
come came come
do did done
drink drank drunk
fight fought fought
have had had
know knew known
lose lost lost
throw threw thrown
win won won


be was forget forgot
begin began fly flew
bend bent freeze froze
blow blew go went
break broke grow grew
cost cost leave left
draw drew meet met
drink drank ring rang
eat ate say said
fall fell shake shook
feel felt sleep slept
find found spend spent
fight fought wake woke

Plural subject/verb agreement - 复数主语与谓语一致

主语中出现 both, few, many 和 several 等词,则谓语动词需用复数。

例如: Both are Democratic candidates.
  Few are from the North.

用 and 连接的主语,谓语动词需要用复数。

例如: The Republican and the Democrat are friends.
